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  1. Revenge taken for an insult. injury. or other wrong.
    • 2000. Gladiator (film): My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North; General of the Felix Legions; loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius; father to a murdered son; husband to a murdered wife; and I will have my vengeance. in this life or the next.
  2. Desire for revenge.
    • c.1856. Charles Dickens. Little Dorrit . Thereupon full of anger, full of jealousy, full of vengeance. she forms [ … ] a scheme of retribution, [ … ]
    • 2008. Jean Harvey Baker, Mary Todd Lincoln: A Biography (ISBN 0393075680 ): If her husband was all forgiveness, asking the bands to play “Dixie,” she was full of vengeance [ … ]
    • 2011. James Calloway, Black America, Not in This America (ISBN 1462868576 ): Are they full of vengeance [?], because they say that people with vengeance in their hearts must dig two graves, one for their enemy and the other for themselves.

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revenge taken for an insult, injury, or other wrong

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