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Zulu avec sous-titres 1440

Why have you used all this Chinese and Choctaw and Zulu rubbish?

learning' remain in your report; you have as much right, I suppose, to 'adorn your page' with Zulu and Chinese and Choctaw rubbish as others of your sort have to adorn theirs with insolent odds and ends smouched from half a dozen learned tongues whose A-B ABS they don't even know.

Some years since--it was during the winter before the Zulu War--a White Man was travelling through Natal.

Then a Zulu spoke, who hitherto had remained silent.

Yet I will do it, though it is against your law, and you do wrong to ask me,--yes, to show you that there is truth in us Zulu doctors, I will help you.

I say all, my father, except three only--the big black Africander ox, the little red Zulu ox with one horn, and the speckled ox.

Neither has it been possible for the writer of it to render the full force of the Zulu idiom nor to convey a picture of the teller.

Again, if I had given way to my own impulses, I should have wished to go into the differences, some of which are to my mind very suggestive, between the Zulu and Kukuana dialects.

HISTORY has re-evaluated Rorke's Drift - and the truth is a million miles from the images portrayed in the film Zulu. starring Michael Caine and Stanley Baker.

It was the beginning of the end for the gang who had instilled fear in rivals with their fearsome chant: "' Zulu. Zulu. Zulu

Attorney Maleha Khan-Avila, Trial Lawyer, Law Offices of Zulu Ali; and

The movie, now a bank holiday TV institution, recounts the battle of Rorke's Drift in 1879 when 149 British soldiers, including a number of Welshmen, held off a Zulu army.